Christopher Logue

War Music [down On Your Knees, Achilles]

An account of books 16-19 of the Iliad by Homer. 

Down on your knees, Achilles. Farther down. 
Now forward on your hands and put your face into the dirt, 
And scrub it to and fro. 
Grief has you by the hair with one 
And with the forceps of its other hand 
Uses your mouth to trowel the dogshit up; 
Watches you lift your arms to Heaven; and then 
Pounces and screws your nose into the filth. 
Gods have plucked drawstrings from your head, 
And from the templates of your upper lip 
Modelled their bows. 
Not now. Not since 
Your grieving reaches out and pistol-whips 
That envied face, until 
Frightened to bear your black, backbreaking agony alone, 
You sank, throat back, thrown back, your voice 
Thrown out across the sea to reach your Source.

John Ashbery

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