James Schuyler

Creeley by Francesco Clemente

Raymond Foye, Janes Schuyler, Chelsea Hotel, 1989

 Mark Trail’s funny fliers, 

A Bill Berkson Birthday Ode

To be born in August!
the month that rips out
the basting and the seasonal
suit holds together or
lets go and

you leap naked into life

and airborne greet September
October: ripe sun, foodstuffs,
colored leaves, in a flood
pouring like water. Farmer
Gull goes off for a winter
rest. You are alone

though at one with far-
mers, framers, ships,
ships’ radio operators,
orators, opera stars,
and all one thought
you slice the water
and it flies from you
“nitidus –a –um” words
shining as pebbles

the sea shifts and chews 

John Ashbery

  The New Spirit (excerpt) I thought that if I could put it all down, that would be one way. And next the thought came to me that to leave a...