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William Holman Hunt


Isabella and the Pot of Basil, 1867 - William Holman Hunt                                           Isabella and the Pot of Basil. oil on canvas (1862)

from John Keats. Isabella (1820)


Therefore they watch’d a time when they might sift 
This hidden whim; and long they watch’d in vain; 
For seldom did she go to chapel-shrift, 
And seldom felt she any hunger-pain; 
And when she left, she hurried back, as swift 
As bird on wing to breast its eggs again; 
And, patient as a hen-bird, sat her there 
Beside her Basil, weeping through her hair. 


Yet they contriv’d to steal the Basil-pot, 
And to examine it in secret place: 
The thing was vile with green and livid spot, 
And yet they knew it was Lorenzo’s face: 
The guerdon of their murder they had got, 
And so left Florence in a moment’s space, 
Never to turn again. - Away they went, 
With blood upon their heads, to banishment. 


O Melancholy, turn thine eyes away! 
O Music, Music, breathe despondingly! 
O Echo, Echo, on some other day, 
From isles Lethean, sigh to us - O sigh! 
Spirits of grief, sing not your «Well-a-way!» 
For Isabel, sweet Isabel, will die; 
Will die a death too lone and incomplete, 
Now they have ta’en away her Basil sweet. 

D. H. Lawrence

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