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John Clare

detail from William Hilton’s portrait of John Clare (1820). 

detail of a portrait by William Hinton, 1820.

To a Red Clover Blossom

    Sweet bottle-shaped flower of lushy red,
    Born when the summer wakes her warmest breeze,
    Among the meadow's waving grasses spread,
    Or 'neath the shade of hedge or clumping trees,
    Bowing on slender stem thy heavy head;
    In sweet delight I view thy summer bed,
    And list the drone of heavy humble-bees
    Along thy honey'd garden gaily led,
    Down corn-field, striped balks, and pasture-leas.
    Fond warmings of the soul, that long have fled,
    Revive my bosom with their kindlings still,
    As I bend musing o'er thy ruddy pride;
    Recalling days when, dropt upon a hill,
    I cut my oaten trumpets by thy side.

John Ashbery

  The New Spirit (excerpt) I thought that if I could put it all down, that would be one way. And next the thought came to me that to leave a...