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Leigh Hunt

File:Portrait of James H. Leigh Hunt, circa 1810.jpg

artist unknown, ca. 1810

His Children

 In all of the various references to Leigh Hunt, including his autobiography, little mention is made of his family but he did manage to find time among his literary pursuits to get married and produce a large family. In 1809, he married Marianne Kent (whose parents were Thomas and Ann). Over the next 20 years they had ten children: Thornton (1810-73), John Horatio Leigh (1812-46), Mary Florimel Leigh (1813-49), Swinburne Percy Leigh (1816-27), Percy Bysshe Shelley Leigh (1817-99), Henry Sylvan Leigh (1819-?), Vincent Leigh (1823-52), Julia Trelawney Leigh (1826-?), Jacyntha Leigh (1828-1914), and Arrabella Leigh (1829-30).

John Ashbery

  The New Spirit (excerpt) I thought that if I could put it all down, that would be one way. And next the thought came to me that to leave a...