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Gertrude Stein

                          Alice, Gertrude & Blanket, photograph by Carl Mydans. France (1944)

from Stanzas in Meditation (1932)

Stanza 2

I think very well of Susan but I do not know her name 
I think very well of Ellen but which is not the same 
I think very well of Paul I tell him not to do so 
I think very well of Francis Charles but do I do so 
I think very well of Thomas but I do not not do so 
I think very well of not very well of William 
I think very well of any very well of him 
I think very well of him. 
It is remarkable how quickly they learn 
But if they learn and it is very remarkable how quickly they learn 
It makes not only but by and by 
And they may not only be not here 
But not there 
Which after all makes no difference 
After all this does not make any does not make any difference 
I add added it to it. 
I could rather be rather be here.

Stanza 83

Why am I if I am uncertain reasons may inclose.   

Remain remain propose repose chose.   
I call carelessly that the door is open   
Which if they may refuse to open   
No one can rush to close.   
Let them be mine therefor.   
Everybody knows that I chose.   
Therefor if therefore before I close.   
I will therefore offer therefore I offer this.
Which if I refuse to miss may be miss is mine.
I will be well welcome when I come.   
Because I am coming.
Certainly I come having come.

                           These stanzas are done. 

John Ashbery

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