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Mina Loy


Feminist Manifesto (1914)

The feminist movement as at present instituted is

Women if you want to realize yourselves-you are on the
eve of a devastating psychological upheaval-all your pet illu-
sions must be unmaskedthe lies of centuries have got to go
are you prepared for the Wrench? There is no half-
measureNO scratching on the surface of the rubbish heap
of tradition, will bring about Reform, the only method is
Absolute Demolition

Cease to place your confidence in economic legislation, vice-
crusades & uniform education-you are glossing over
Professional & commercial careers are opening up for you
Is that all you want ?

And if you honestly desire to find your level without preju-
dicebe Brave & deny at the outsetthat pa-
thetic clap-trap war cry Woman is the
equal of man

She is NOT!

The man who lives a life in which his activities conform to a
social code which is protectorate of the feminine element
is no longer masculine
The women who adapt themselves to a theoretical valuation of
their sex as a relative impersonality, are not yet
Leave off looking to men to find out what you are not seek
within yourselves to find out what you are
As conditions are at present constitutedyou have the choice
between Parasitism, & Prostitu-
tionor Negation

Men & women are enemies, with the enmity of the exploited
for the parasite, the parasite for the exploitedat present they
are at the mercy of the advantage that each can take of the
others sexual dependence. The only point at which the
interests of the sexes mergeis the sexual embrace.

D. H. Lawrence

 from Pansies THE WHITE HORSE The youth walks up to the white horse, to put its halter on and the horse looks at him in silence. They are s...